Dear Diary,
Happy easter to everyone!
Mom asked us to wake up early (we usually wakes up at 10) today so we could prepare for easter celebration. While mommy preparing her pork barbecue for our potluck, she also prepared our clothes and assisted us in the shower. Mommy said it's gonna be a new exciting experience for us so I am so excited and be the first one who got dressed. Thanks to Daddy for driving us there even he is not feeling well.
We celebrated our EASTER at Tita Lisa's house and she prepared something for us kiddos to enjoy EASTER celebration. It's my first EASTER here and I love how they celebrated's the activities Ethan and I enjoyed today....
Our celebration didn't stop here... we still had the main part of the celebration - "Easter EGG Hunt"
We're ready!
Let's go HUNT some eggs!
keep on searching....
I am 4 dollar richer while my brother is the richest coz he got 6 dollars!
This was fun! It's like a Halloween party one of the activities I love to do yearly!